Q: What is the deadline for placing orders?
A: Students must order their lunch for the same day with their homeroom teachers by 8:15 am and also their order for breakfast for the next day at the same time. Daily meal choices can be found on monthly school meal menus on the website.
Q: What is the price for each meal?
A: All students will receive free breakfast and lunch at school. The State of Vermont has provided money to do this through the Universal School Meals Act. We will not be participating in the Free Milk program, but students who are interested in receiving milk will be offered a reimbursable breakfast or lunch option with milk included at no charge, such as a milk, cheese stick and fresh fruit.
Q: What is your privacy policy?
A: We will not sell or disclose any contact information submitted through our site to any third party. All personal information will be kept confidential. We will only use your contact information to correspond with you about important matters concerning our lunch program.
Q: What is the Norwich School District Civil Rights Complaint Procedure?
A: Please view this procedure.