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Meet Our Staff

staff singing in front of the town green for mayfest

Search Directory

1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 16 of 59 constituents
Shawn Gonyaw

Shawn Gonyaw

Greg Bagnato

Greg Bagnato

Associate Principal
Jessica Liddy

Jessica Liddy

Administrative Assistant
Joy Smollin

Joy Smollin

Registrar/Front Office
Talari Anderson

Talari Anderson

Kindergarten Teacher
M. Liz Borger

M. Liz Borger

Learning Specialist
Amanda Brodsky

Amanda Brodsky

Learning Specialist, Reading Interventionist
Devin Burkhart

Devin Burkhart

Grade 5 Teacher
Diana Cathcart

Diana Cathcart

Permanent Substitute
Mary Coffey

Mary Coffey

Speech Language Pathologist, Early Essential Education Learning Specialist
Rachael Coleman

Rachael Coleman

Grade 3 Teacher
Heidi Daly

Heidi Daly

Educational Assistant
Jonathan Dean

Jonathan Dean

Grade 2 Teacher
Thomas Dickerson

Thomas Dickerson

Leslie Dustin

Leslie Dustin

Grades 5 Teacher
Caitlin Eastman

Caitlin Eastman

Art Teacher
1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 16 of 59 constituents