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Health Services

Health Services

Role of the School Nurse

The Marion Cross School Nurse is a full time position that covers the Pre-K through 6th grade students. The role of the school nurse includes but is not limited to the following: providing health services for illness and injuries, administering medications, performing mandated hearing and vision screenings, developing and implementing Individual Health Care Plans, maintaining student immunization and health records, working with the Vermont Department of Health to manage reportable communicable diseases, and being a health education resource for students, staff, parents and guardians.

The School Nurse serves as a direct link between health care providers, families and community agencies to assure access and continuity of health care for the students. The primary goal of the school nurse is to maintain the health, safety, and wellness of the entire school community in order to maximize the ability to learn. 

The School Nurse is available from 7:30am -3:20 pm daily.  They can be reached 802-648-1703 ex 5130 

Stay Home When Sick  

Students and Staff who are sick should stay home. All students and staff should specifically stay home if they: 

  • Have a fever greater than 100.4℉ 

  • Have been vomiting


In order to address potential health issues that are barriers to learning or symptoms of underlying medical conditions, the school nurse often engages in screening activities. Screenings may include vision, hearing, postural, BMI, or blood pressure depending on the concerns or referrals. The annual mandated hearing and vision screenings from the Vermont Department of Health are as follows:

Hearing: Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, and 5 and any students on a 504 or IEP.

Vision: Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, and 5 and any students on a 504 or IEP.

When there appears to be a need for further evaluation, the school nurse will send a written referral to the parents/guardians. It is requested that the results of the follow-up evaluation be reported to the school nurse. 

To opt out of hearing test - 16 V.S.A. §1422 requires schools to test annually the hearing of students in Pre-K, kindergarten,  first, third and fifth grades. Parents are permitted to opt their children out of such tests. Please call the School Nurse for information regarding the procedure for opting out.


  1. Students should remain at home if they have a fever (over 100.4 degrees) or nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, If a student had a high fever the previous day, or had nausea/vomiting/diarrhea they need to remain home and the nurse should be contacted to determine if further evaluation is required by a primary care doctor. If  students have any of the above mentioned symptoms please contact the school nurse to determine next steps in order for the student to return to school Please inform the secretary as early as possible if your child will be absent for the school day and the reason for the absence. 
  2. If an illness or injury will cause a prolonged absence from school or from the Physical Education class, please have your child’s physician write a note with the diagnosis, the treatment and if applicable, the anticipated duration of restricted activity. This note should be given to the nurse. A copy of this note will be given to the physical education teacher and the school nurse will place it in the student’s health record for future reference. Please remember that a second note from the physician will be needed when your child is able to resume the Physical Education class/sports. 
  3. Parents/Guardians are asked to notify the school nurse if your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease. Some examples of communicable diseases or conditions are: Covid-19, Chickenpox (Varicella), Mononucleosis, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Strep Infection, Ringworm, Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Scabies, Impetigo, Measles, Mumps, Influenza, Fifth Disease, and Lice. Students who have been put on antibiotic therapy for strep throat may not return to school until they have had 4 complete doses. 
  4. If a student becomes ill or injured at school, a parent/guardian will be notified to transport the student home. The student should be picked up within 20 to 30 minutes.  If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, then the next emergency contact will be notified.