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Our School

students on the green during mayfest

Marion Cross School serves Norwich students in Kindergarten through Grade 6 as part of the Norwich School District. Beginning in Grade 7 they attend Richmond Middle School across the Connecticut River in Hanover, NH, joining Hanover middle school students. For grades 9 - 12 they attend Hanover High School, in Hanover, NH.

As part of Vermont's Act 166 there is a limited space Pre-Kindergarten program.

In our community we will:

  • Work to be safe
  • Inspire Kindness
  • Show Respect
  • Embrace Responsibility

Parent Teacher Organization

We are extremely lucky to have a very active and involved Parent Teacher Organization. From raising funds for teacher grants for enriching the curriculum to baking pies for staff appreciation day, our PTO volunteers provide vital services and support. The Marion Cross PTO was formed in the spring of 1993. This organization brings teachers and parents together to enrich the education of our students. It provides meaningful programs and events for parents, students and teachers, and it engages in special projects that will support the school mission and community spirit. The success and vitality of the PTO depends upon the involvement of as many parents and teachers as possible. The PTO considers all parents and teachers members. We encourage you to participate.

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