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Student Supports

Greg Bagnato

Greg Bagnato

Associate Principal
owl logo with "MCS, Who's Wise Words"


In our community, we will:

  • Work to be safe
  • Inspire Kindness
  • Show Respect
  • Embrace Responsibility

Student Support Services at Marion Cross School provides individualized and small group support services for students who need them. Services available include, but not limited to, speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and academic and behavior intervention. Plans are designed by the Education Support Team (EST) and are tailored to a student's specific and individual needs.

In addition to classroom teachers, Marion Cross School employs learning specialists, reading and math interventionists, speech and language teachers, a physical therapist and a nurse. We also have access to a psychologist and occupational therapist, as needed. All special education staff work with classroom teachers and related services providers in order to provide the most appropriate education for each student.

Marion Cross School employs a full-time, certified School Counselor, Alisha Keel, who works with students to help them develop academically, personally, and socially.

Parents with questions about support services for their child should consult their child’s classroom teacher.

Supported Learning Information

Supported Learning Staff