Welcome to the site for the French program at the Marion Cross School in Norwich, VT.
All classes in our school, from kindergarten to sixth grade, have French classes multiple times a week.
For the first month of school we review French vocabulary in the form of spoken vignettes and commonplace courtesy in the classroom. Below, a list of resources for families who are interested in ‘taking French home’ and expanding their child’s language experience through native songs, video stories, crafts and activities with as little or much French input as they can handle.
Younger students have specific means to access the language, chief among them color, rhyme, music, and movement. Their retention and enthusiasm are commendable! You should hear them hum parts of French nursery rhymes or respond to simple questions. Take your cues after these:
Older students are great language learners in their own right. I noticed how wonderfully current they are with world events, make sense of language similarities and are able to build upon their gains. Have them check this out:
cultural videos and stories, quizzes
Voilà, un début en ligne. Bonne chance !